
I am haunted by a dead naked man-whore. I am also a Pittsburgh Steelers fan residing in the heart of Baltimore.

The haunting is not as insane as it seems. My entertaining and highly inappropriate ghost is actually a main character in my first novel. I finished the first draft of the  book, tentatively titled Jay, Walking in December 2012. I am now embarking on the tasks of editing and seeking agent representation. So although the original crafting of the story is done, me and my weaner-wagging ghost are still pretty much tied at the hip.

There’s really no need to call the men in the white coats on me for considering myself haunted by my own fictional character. This happens to many writers, and at least mine IS a ghost. The whole Steelers fan in Baltimore thing? That’s another story.

In addition to my first novel, I have written several short stories, articles and nonfiction works. You can find an overview of them at The Short Works.

By day, I work in higher education, alternately improving and throwing expletives at student information systems.

Be forewarned – I have a 5th grade sense of humor and have to act like a seasoned professional at least 40 hours a week. So in my spare time, I say things like “butthead” and “doucherocket” a lot.

Other rants, raves and rambles:



Pam’s Amazon Author Page

26 Responses to About

  1. I like this, but where is fat boy?

  2. hawleywood40 says:

    I was trying to find the pic you had where he looks like a bowling pin and I couldn’t find it – you have to show me where it is : ).

  3. I enjoyed reading this. there are a lot of your likes and dislikes that I can relate to. I’m a fan of True Blood and Walking dead. Any idea when the next season starts? I dislike loud cell phone talkers too. You can be in one isle when doing groceries and you could still hear the vivid conversations. Either they are clueless or simply inconsiderate. Sometimes I have to look twice making sure it’s not a crazy person talking to himself because those ear pieces are too small to notice at first glance. Coffee shops used to be a cozy place to read a book or blog while drinking your favorite drink until the loud talkers invaded them. keep blogging. keep living the dream. it keep us all feeling alive. till next time.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog today, Hawley, and I will be back to explore your site. There hasn’t been much for Niner’s fans to cheer about lately, but hey, it’s baseball season, and us Giants fans still have full bragging rights!

  5. Pingback: More Cowbell Monday: The Life List Club | Jenny Hansen's Blog

  6. Rose Ribbon says:

    Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog, I wanted to be sure to check yours out too! I didn’t know you were a member of the Crazy Chicks Club!? We CCC have to stick together! I’m a HUGE True Blood fan…can’t get enough. Even have my own Merlotte’s shirt…sick, I know. Can’t wait to read more of your stuff! I’ll be following. ~Pam

  7. hawleywood40 says:

    I would definitely wear a Merlotte’s shirt! Yep – we CCs definitely need to stick together. I enjoyed my visit to your blog and will definitely be following too! By the way, looks like we also share a first name : ).

  8. LittleOddMe says:

    Pam can you please email me at littleoddme at yahoo? And then delete this comment. I need your help if you can please.

  9. notquiteold says:

    You’re lucky to realize that it’s time to do what you love. I’m not that much of a “quote person” but my favorite quote is from George Eliot: “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” Ilm sixty and shopping my first novel now.

  10. kimkiminy says:

    Well, that’s about the best “About Me” I’ve ever read. It certainly makes me like you. We have a lot in common. (I liked Stephen King, too.)
    BTW, we have a mutual friend, Monsoon. You and I are about the same age; I’ve written a memoir, am an avid reader and blogger, and am breaking into the proofreading biz. She thought of you, being the doll she is.

    • hawleywood40 says:

      Thank you! Just visited your blog and I love your paintings. Monsoon is wonderful, isn’t she? We bonded over ferrets at another blogging site eons ago, and over the years have found out we have ever so much more in common than our furry ones. Very nice to meet you!

  11. Pingback: A Very Special Tabhartas (tribute)… « Kate Wood's Blog

  12. GJ Scobie says:

    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Details at gjscobie.wordpress.com 🙂

  13. Thanks for your comment on my guest post. Glad I’ve found your blog. Love your About Page! The ferret is too cute. We have a ton in common, from now no longer dabbling with writing to a love of Stephen King, vodka, Criminal Minds and The Walking Dead. Oh and my sense of humor is wicked wrong and working in HR I have to keep it buttoned down daily. And a love of football, except I’m a lifelong Browns fan. Yeah. So I’ll see your team on the field. Okay my team will most likely lose (again), but we can still talk all kinds of crazy. 🙂

    • hawleywood40 says:

      Thanks for coming by, Barbara! So glad I found your post over at David’s. Can’t wait to get to know you even better through your blog. I’m always so psyched to meet a fellow writer and football fan! And we sure can – as a Steelers fan who lives in Baltimore (eep!) I always enjoy the chance to have fun with other rivalries : ). Now that the season is just about done, I’m really looking forward to Walking Dead coming back on Sundays. On the work thing, I have to keep my humor (also wicked and wrong, and sometimes maybe just a little juvenile!) but I’m at least blessed with a group of co-workers who are as bad as me so we do cut up a lot when no one else is around : ).

  14. Hi! I know you’ve been off the radar lately, but I thought you might be interested in this because it allows you to showcase an excerpt from your work in progress. If not, feel free to ignore it–I understand the time restraints we have to deal with. Happy Writing!

  15. Pam, I’m including you in a “blog hop” that will help you advertise your book. Just wanted you to know! Good luck! 🙂

  16. Karyn Rae says:

    You have nothing to complain about- I’m a chiefs fan. I like your blog & will be stopping by.

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